Did You know that Smoking Can Cause Hair Loss And Slow Metabolism?

Smoking Can Cause Hair Loss

Smoking is one of the most well-known causes of hair loss, which can be a bigger problem for women. But smoking isn’t the only cause – many other factors contribute to hair loss as well, like a poor diet and too much stress. That being said, smoking is one of the main causes of hair loss.

According to a study done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, nearly 40% of women over the age of 12 suffer from some form of hair loss. Although many people believe that smoking is only a problem for men and teens, it’s something that affects women as well.

Although there are many other causes for hair loss, including genetics, stress, and lack of nutrition, smoking is certainly up there with the top contributors.

Nevertheless, it’s not just women who need to be concerned about this issue – men can get affected by it too, although we don’t hear much about this in general.

The harsh chemicals found in cigarettes will eventually make their way into their bloodstreams and damage the hair follicles. Cigarette smoke is one of the worst offenders, but marijuana smoking can also lead to this problem.

Unfortunately, many women don’t seem to understand that they’re at risk for cancer when they smoke cigarettes. It’s only because of this fact that so many women still choose to smoke even though it won’t benefit them in any way. The best thing they can do is quit smoking altogether.

What are the risks of smoking?

Smoking can cause hair loss and slow your metabolism. Smoking cigarettes can even increase the risk of getting a bald spot. Additionally, smoking can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. All of these diseases are associated with a decreased lifespan.

So, if you’re looking to extend your lifespan, Stop Smoking!

There are many different health benefits for people who quit smoking.

A study by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) showed that smokers who quit reduced their all-cause mortality risk by 15 percent. 8 You can expect to live a lot longer and have a much healthier life if you quit smoking!

What are the reasons people smoke?

Smoking is usually done because of the following reasons: nicotine addiction, stress, social pressure, or it’s just something they enjoy doing.

You probably know someone who smokes and you may think they could quit at any time, but they’ve been smoking for so long that they can no longer stop without help.

If you’re like this person, you will want to learn how to stop smoking. It may take some time, but you can quit smoking for good.

How to Quit Smoking: Quitting Without Help

The trick to quitting smoking without help is to do the things that you enjoy the most when you are not smoking cigarettes.

This can be anything from reading a good book, going on a date, or even watching television with your family.

You don’t have to give up everything that you love and enjoy just because you want to stop smoking.

Once you get through this stage of your life, then it will be easier to change your lifestyle and eventually quit smoking.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is they give up all their favorite activities just because they want to start.


How does smoking harm your hair and scalp?

Smoking can have several negative effects on hair and scalp. Smoking is known to damage hair follicles and reduce the density of hair. It can also lead to baldness, thinning hair, and scalp sensitivity.

Smoking also slows down the metabolism, which can lead to weight gain and decreased hair growth. It also can damage the hair follicle and cause hair loss.

Did you know that inhaling secondhand smoke is damaging to your lungs?.

Secondhand smoke contains toxins that are found in cigarettes but also can be found in certain air fresheners and incense. These toxins can damage your lungs, respiratory tract, throat, sinuses, and eyes.

Smoking makes it harder to breathe deeply, exercise regularly, sleep well, and maintain a healthy weight. Inhaling secondhand smoke can also cause lung cancer.

How can you help protect yourself from secondhand smoke?.

If you have children or older adults in your home who smoke make sure that they don’t smoke in the presence of people who were not born or do not have birthdays on the same date as they were born.

If they do smoke, make sure that they don’t smoke in your home. If you are a smoker do not smoke in the presence of people who are not smokers. Secondhand smoke is damaging to your lungs and can be especially harmful around babies and children (Source: American Lung Association)

Why does smoking cause hair loss?

Smoking causes hair loss in a couple of ways. The most common is that smoking increases the number of free radicals in the body, which can damage hair follicles.

cigarettes cause hair loss

In addition, smoke also contains chemicals that can slow down the metabolism and lead to weight gain and obesity. You can stop hair loss. If you choose to quit smoking, you should see results immediately. Some medications help slow down the production of free radicals in your body and help restore hair follicles. (This is why hair restoration treatments may also cause weight gain.)

You can keep your hair. Some people feel that it may be impossible to grow new hair on their heads when they have lost a great deal of it, but this is untrue.

If you want to be able to grow back your hair, you should start taking vitamins and supplements that support healthy blood circulation in the scalp and blood cells to nourish the new follicles as they develop. You should also see an expert who can recommend the best treatment for your hair and scalp.

How to prevent hair loss by quitting smoking

One of the first things that you may notice when you quit smoking is a decrease in hair loss. This is because smoking causes a decrease in the production of hormones that control hair growth.

Smoking also causes damage to the cells in the hair follicle, which can slow down hair growth.

Quitting smoking can also help to prevent other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke, that can cause hair loss.

The good news is that quitting smoking can have a positive effect on your health and hair growth. Research has shown that hair loss due to smoking is reversible with proper treatment.

Many people can stop smoking without any problems and continue to have healthy hair. If you smoke, there are several ways that you can reduce your risk of hair loss by quitting before the damage is done:


Quitting Smoking Before the Damage is Done

Reduce your exposure to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. Secondhand smoke contains more chemicals than cigarette smoke. Research indicates that secondhand smoke may contribute to damaging changes in cells in the follicles of the scalp, which could lead to baldness.

World no tobacco day
World No Tobacco Day will be noticed all over the world each year on 31 May.


Smoking can cause hair loss and slow your metabolism, both of which can lead to weight gain. If you are trying to quit smoking, it is important to understand the risks associated with hair loss and metabolic slowdown so that you can make the best decision for your health.

The sooner you start making changes to your lifestyle, the better chance you have of reversing these effects and keeping your weight under control. Why are you taking this quiz? The quiz is designed to show you what your risk of weight gain is if you smoke cigarettes. It also helps to explain why smoking can cause hair loss and slow your metabolism so that you can make the best decisions for your health.


Image Credits: World no tobacco day | Stop Smoking | Smoking Can Cause Hair Loss

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