Best 5 Natural Treatments For Hair Frizz


Hair frizz bothers a lot of people, but nowadays there are natural treatments for hair frizz, which you can do at home, without the need to spend money in beauty salons.

What is Hair Frizz?

Before knowing natural treatments for hair frizz, do you know what frizz really is? Frizziness is caused by dry hair that lacks moisture. That’s when our hair gets that ruffled look, that is, some hairs that couldn’t align with the others, stay up.

How to Remove frizz from Hair Naturally?

To naturally remove frizz from your hair, you can, for example, use hair oil, as it will hydrate the strands, and help to align them. You can also wash your hair with cold water, as hot water dries out your hair, thereby increasing frizz. In addition, there are natural treatments for hair frizz, which are usually with ingredients you have at home.

Natural Treatments for Hair Frizz

Natural treatments for hair frizz, because they are made with natural ingredients, will provide many nutrients for your hair, contributing to the health of the hair. With the hair more hydrated and stronger, consequently, the frizz disappears. Here are some treatments you can do yourself.

1. Coconut Milk Conditioner with Olive Oil

You may have already heard that olive oil is good for the hair, but combined with coconut milk, which is a source of amino acids and healthy fats that help to recover very damaged hair, they make a great duo to hydrate the hair and reduce the dreaded hair. frizz.

  • ½ cup of coconut milk.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
Way of doing

Mix the two ingredients until you get a homogeneous substance.

How to use

With the mixture inside a spray bottle, apply to dry or damp hair, from the scalp to the ends. Put a cap on your hair and wait 30 minutes. Then just rinse Repeat this treatment 2x a week.

2. Banana and Honey Conditioner

Another natural treatment for hair frizz is the banana and honey conditioner, which together are great allies to increase hair moisture and fight frizz.

  • 1 ripe banana
  • Bee’s honey
Way of doing

Mash the banana pulp well and mix it with the honey.

How to use

With the hair, a little damp, separate it into sections and apply the mixture from the roots to the ends. Wait for 30 minutes and then rinse with shampoo and conditioner of your choice. Do this at least 3x a week.

3. Mask with Honey and Natural Yogurt

These two ingredients help hydrate your hair and eliminate frizz. As they regulate the pH of the scalp, it ends up strengthening the wires, preventing hair loss.

  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • ½ cup of plain yogurt
How to make

Mix the yogurt with the honey.

How to use

With wet hair, apply this mixture from roots to ends and leave it on the hair for 40 minutes, then rinse. Apply 2 to 3 times a week.

4. Brewer’s Yeast and Coconut Oil Mask

Brewer’s yeast is great for recovering damaged and falling hair, and together with coconut oil this mask revitalizes the hair, leaving the strands hydrated and with less frizz.

  • 2 tablespoons of brewer’s yeast
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil
How to make

Mix the ingredients until they are homogeneous.

How to use

With damp hair, separate it into parts and apply the mask, put a cap on your head, and leave the mixture on for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair with the products of your choice. 

5. Avocado and Egg Yolk Cream

These two ingredients together help seal the hair cuticles, reducing frizz, as well as strengthening the hair, and keeping it hydrated.

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 egg yolk
How to make

it Mashes the avocado pulp and then adds the egg yolk until it forms a cream.

How to use

With damp hair, apply the cream all over it and leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse. Apply 2 to 3 times a week.

What causes Hair Frizz?

One of the main factors that cause frizz is the humidity of the air because when dry hair comes in contact with the most humid climate, the strands stand on end. That’s why it’s so important to keep your hair hydrated to avoid frizz.

With the tips that were seen here and recipes for natural treatments for hair frizz, this evil will pass away from your hair, in addition to being much stronger and healthier.

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