Androgenic Alopecia: What It Is, And How To Treat It

Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as male-pattern baldness, is a condition that results from hormones called androgens. These hormones are what make men’s hair grow on their heads and be strong throughout life. The two main types of androgenic alopecia are the less common type, which covers the entire scalp, and the other type where it is only found at the temples or front.

There are similar names for this condition. check out below.

What is Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that causes the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. It can be caused by several factors, including genetics, hormones, and environmental exposures. Treatment typically involves chemotherapy or other treatments to suppress the immune system.

Androgenic Alopecia is a pattern of hair loss that begins on the scalp, then moves to other areas of the body, and finally to the face or extremities. It’s four times more common in men than women, but there are no known differences between the sexes in its cause or causes.

Are there different types of hair loss?

Androgenic Alopecia has many forms, from the least severe to the most severe. The least severe is called progressive partial Androgenetic Alopecia (PPA). This type of hair loss starts on the scalp, then progresses to other areas of the body, and eventually results in complete baldness. If untreated, it can be permanent. There are also less-severe forms of hair loss called miniaturization alopecia and telogen effluvium, which are seen in women and men who under stress or illness lose large numbers of hair. 

Summary of Male Pattern Baldness:

  • It is common in men and increases with age.
  • There are several causes, usually gradual thinning of hair without bald spots;
  • Permanent loss may occur as a result of disease or medications;
  • The cause can be identified by a biopsy;
  • A number of treatments are available including Rogaine, Propecia, Finasteride, and Minoxidil
  • For people who cannot tolerate one treatment, there is a program with both Minoxidil and Finasteride for about $200 per month.

Check out more about male pattern baldness.

Types of Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia (AA) is a type of hair loss that can be caused by the action of male hormones, such as testosterone. The most common form of AA is male-pattern baldness, which affects about 50 percent of men over the age of 30. Other forms of AA include female-pattern hair loss (FPHL), diffuse hair loss, and lichen planus.

There is no one cause for AA, but it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Studies have also shown that AA often runs in families. The condition can be exacerbated by stress, poor diet, and excessive use of hair products.

There are several types of treatments for AA, including medication, laser therapy, scalp massage therapy, and hair restoration surgery. Many people find success using a combination of treatments.

If you are experiencing troublesome hair loss or would like to learn more about AA, please visit our blog section for more information.

Causes of androgenic alopecia

Androgenic alopecia is a type of hair loss that is caused by the male hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. These hormones work together to cause hair loss in men and women.

There are many different causes of androgenic alopecia, but some of the most common are:

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Stress
  • Diet
  • Medications
  • Climate change
  • Exposure to pollutants
  • Hair care products

How to prevent Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia is a condition that results from the use of hormones like testosterone. These hormones cause the hair to thin and fall out. There are many ways to prevent and treat Androgenic Alopecia.

Here are some tips:

  • Use a topical treatment on your scalp every day. This can help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Choose a treatment that is made for your hair type and does not contain harsh chemicals.
  • Use a shampoo with volume and conditioners to help thicken your hair. These products will make your hair feel softer and more manageable.
  • Avoid using too much heat on your scalp. This can cause damage to your hair follicles, which can lead to further hair loss.

If you are experiencing significant hair loss, see a doctor for an evaluation. There may be other causes of your hair loss, such as an underlying medical condition or medication side effects. There is no cure for hair loss, but if you have a genetic predisposition to it or an underlying medical condition that may be causing the problem, treatment options are available. Consult with a doctor to find out which one is the best fit for you.

There are many different treatments for androgenic alopecia, but the most common treatment is hair restoration surgery. This is a surgery that will help to stop further hair loss, and even potentially regrow hair. It is best to talk with a doctor before you decide on treatment options.

Treatment Options for Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia treatments

Androgenic Alopecia is a type of hair loss that is caused by an imbalance of hormones as we mentioned before. There are a few different treatments that can help manage this condition, but each one has its own set of risks and benefits. Treatment options for Androgenic Alopecia vary depending on the stage of the disorder and the individual’s preferences.

Here are four treatment options that can help manage Androgenic Alopecia:

1. Medications: There are many medications available that can help to restore balance to the hormone levels in the body and treat Androgenic Alopecia. Some common medications used to treat Androgenic Alopecia include minoxidil, finasteride, and dutasteride. Each of these medications has its own set of side effects and benefits, so it is important to speak with a doctor about which one is best for you.

2. Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be the best option for managing Androgenic Alopecia. This includes treatments such as hair transplantation or laser therapy. Surgery is typically more expensive than other treatment options, but it can be life-changing for some people. It is important to weigh the possible side effects of surgery when making this decision.

3. Treatments: There are also other treatments out there that may be able to help with Androgenic Alopecia. Some treatments include medication, scalp massage shampoos, scalp support shampoo, and scalp acupuncture. Each of these options may have its benefits and drawbacks. It is important to speak with a doctor about which one is right for you.

4. Consulting a hair specialist: If you have been trying to manage your Androgenic Alopecia for a long time and have tried all of the above-mentioned treatment options without success…it may be time to talk to a hair specialist about your situation. Hair loss can affect anyone at any age and it can make you feel very self-conscious like you are losing your manhood. If you would like to find out more about Androgenic Alopecia please read some of the articles below.

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Androgenic alopecia (AA) is a type of hair loss that is caused by an imbalance of male hormones. In most cases, AA occurs due to the action of testosterone on hair follicles, but other factors can also contribute. If you are experiencing significant levels of hair loss, it is important to see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan. There are many treatments available, including minoxidil and finasteride, which work by stopping the activity of the hormone responsible for hair growth. If you experience any side effects from these medications, be sure to speak with your doctor about potential solutions.

How Losing Hair Affects the Body

Hair loss in men is a sensitive topic that warrants attention, as it can affect your confidence and social life. It also has an impact on your physical appearance, with some men experiencing decreased self-esteem or even depression due to hair loss. The effects of hair loss can be devastating and cause emotional distress if you are experiencing this kind of hair loss. That said, many ways losing hair can affect other areas of your life.

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